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Upcoming Dates:

September 12-No blankets at rest time 

September 14-Final Day to sign up for PTL committees before one is assigned

September 28-PTL meeting @ 6 p.m. in Mrs. Owsley’s room

October 2-Sing at church (be in church basement by 9:45)

October 16-Fish Fry/Auction after church @ 11 a.m.

October 24-27-Red Ribbon Week

October 27-All School Halloween party

October 28-Nov1-No school, Parent Teacher Conferences/Teacher Work Days


Tuition is due the 15th of every month September through May.

2 Day Preschool: $145

3 Day Preschool: $165

5 Day Preschool: $190



* If you haven't already returned your paperwork please do so soon.

* Please don't forget to send money for snack ($10 a trimester or $30 for the year).



Math-We are working on sorting.

ELA-We are working on recognizing our names and the first letter in our name.  We are specifically focusing on the letter Cc.

Social Studies-We are doing an all about me unit during circle time.  We are also doing a rules unit during our scheduled social studies time.

Science-We are learning about our 5 senses.


If you have any questions or concerns, please never hesitate to reach out!

God's blessings!

Miss Henley